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Saturday, July 30, 2011

A review of Just One Look by Joan Reeves

"What would you do if the gynecologist subbing for your regular doctor turned out to be your old high school crush?"
That was the first sentence on the website for Just One Look and I don't think I even finished reading the description before I downloaded the ebook.  I really wanted to like this book and there were parts that I did but there were some problems too.
The premise was funny and the anticipation was great but I spent a lot of time rolling my eyes at some of the situations.  Through about 75% of the book the build up and the chemistry were enough to overcome some of the less believable moments.  But I was so disappointed in the ending.  I know it's a romance novel and we all know what happens in the end but I just can't be happy about it's not believable enough.  I want to be able to put down the book believing that they really did live happily ever after.  
My biggest problem was that there were about 50-60 pages of extra material (about the author, etc...) at the end and I thought it was more of the book.  So when it said "The End" I wasn't ready.  I was confused and I kept flipping backwards to see if I skipped a chapter or two.  Deep Sigh.  I think I'm going to read one more of her books and see if it was just this one with the problem because parts of it were good.
  • Written in third person with his/hers POV.  The POV sometimes switched back and forth too quickly making it a little confusing.
  • Lots of good sexual tension and build up and I really wanted the two to get together.
  • Needed another chapter or two to at the end to wrap things up more believably.  
  • Used the word "besotted".  I'll let you judge what you think of that.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Jane Graves: Please write more often!

I have been dying for a good romantic comedy.  I even started one about a cowboy/vampire.  I was desperate!  So I was looking through Barnes and Noble reviews of contemporary romance and stumbled upon a new Jane Graves:  Black Ties and Lullabies.  I've read all of her books and the one that came out right before this one:  Tall Tales and Wedding Veils is great.  But it was published in 2008!  I wasn't nearly as impressed with any of her previous books.
I started out a little wary of the book.  Call me a throw back, call me anti-feminist, I don't care but I didn't think I could get into the female lead, Bernie, when she was the bodyguard of her leading man.  I was wrong.  What started out as a read of desperation turned into something that I really enjoyed and I'm now looking forward to her next release which is coming in the fall.
So my problem with some book reviews revolves around the fact that some of them seem to be more about how witty the reviewer can be vs. giving me the information I need to make a decision for myself.  I could give this book an A- or 4 1/2 stars but that won't help you if you just can't get into a book that doesn't have at least 4 borderline erotica stories or if you prefer books written from one point of view.  So, here is the information I'm usually looking for:
  • It is a contemporary romance but I wouldn't put it into any other major sub-genre.  She is a body guard but it is not a suspense.
  • It is written in third person with two points of view (his/hers).
  • She is a tom-boy but pretty with some self-esteem issues.  He is a rich womanizer who, obviously, changes his ways.
  • Sex scenes weren't quite as plentiful or racy as I might prefer them but were present so I was OK with them.  They left me wanting a little more instead of wanting to jump my husband in the shower but he had just mowed the lawn so I didn't really want to anyway.  
  • Overall I really enjoyed it and can't wait for the next one.  I hope Jane graves doesn't plan on another 3 years in between books!  
  • My favorite parts (and just so you know it says she gets pregnant on the back cover so I'm not spoiling anything):  1.  The conversation about how to have pregnant sex.  Hysterical!  Made my husband listen to me read it to him.  2.  The comment made by her friend when discussing if she'll ever have a clean house again after the baby.  "I'm just telling you that cleaning isn't important.  No kid ever became a happy, healthy, well-adjusted adult because he grew up in a house with a spotless kitchen floor." Words to live by!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Why can't I find the contemporary romance I'm looking for?

You know, you wouldn't think that finding the right contemporary romance would be rocket science.  Somehow, though, I seem to be able to understand Einstein's Theory of Relativity more easily than I can comprehend the difference in single title romance, series romance, romantic fiction, fiction with strong romantic elements....  I just want a book that makes me happy and if we are being honest, feel the need to break out a fresh pack of batteries!
I can stand in a book store and spend 45 minutes combing through the books in the romance section, reading the first paragraph of the first few chapters to make sure the book is from the man and woman's point of view (those are my favorites), that the guy isn't a wimp, that the girl isn't a wimp, that we are not dealing with pirates and that the word "throb" has been kept to a minimum only to get home and realize that this is the third book in a series and I don't know the background story.
I want to be able to say:  I like a book written in the third person with at least two points of view, there needs to be at least one sex scene, I don't like pirates, I'm not in the mood for vampires and what the hell, throw in an FBI agent, and a list of books will appear.
But I can't find that.  So I'm going to at least put in my two cents about the books I read.  Hopefully someone will find it useful or entertaining or maybe even both!  Maybe someone will introduce me to my next favorite author!  Either way, I look forward to what's to come!